Hannah Montana has a fan base of over 30 million. Most are kids ranged from 5-12. Most of them, have never heard of her before her leading role as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana in her hit TV series Hannah Montana. Most of these fans are little girls, who obviously aren't meant to handle fights well. Whenever I see someone criticizing Miley, or saying they hate her, you'll mostly find a response of, "omg u r jus jeliiss!!1!!!1 miley has like famee and a career and a million dollarz!!1!!1 u wish u had dat stuffzz!!" Or somewhere roughly around that. Which translates to "Oh my god you are just jealous! Miley has like fame and a career and a million dollars! you wish your life was like that!" Which sounds so much smarter right?
Maybe smarter if we're dealing with the 10-12 children. Although there are older fans of her, saying she's a role model, and all that junk. Obviously they want their children to over exaggerate words, pound on make up, wear skimpy clothes at events, and take risque photos. If that's what they want, by all means, keep talking.
I, for one, don't care what she does anymore. Before I thought she was okay, until these recent [to quote Buck] 'Hannah Monscandals' i have changed my mind. None of these really made me hate her, and none made me like her.
You'd think that Miley would freak out because they obsess over her so much? There are millions of children wearing your face around everywhere in public, wouldn't you freak out? I know i would.
Then there are also male viewers, who think that Miley is very, "hot" These have to comment her scandal pictures, with sexual innuendo. It's pretty mandatory to act like pedophiles, if they like a girl that much. Or maybe they're just being guys. Some younger male fans who probably don't know much on the subject, or don't want to degrade women, just have a crush on her.
In other Miley news, Miley has had some picture scandals. Here is a brief sample of the photo's she's taken, including the infamous 'Satan' blamed candy picture.

Miley your a slut. I always knew it. I knew you would do something stupid like this. Everyone should have seen this coming.
I think if your going to do it atleast do it with ur tits out and ur pussy
you should do this with your tits out and fingering your self and will you please fuck me
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